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Seminario Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible: Formando Redes y Acciones para el 2030

- Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible
- Manual de Educación Para el Desarrollo Sostenible - English
- Manual de Educación Para el Desarrollo Sostenible - Español
- Manual de Educación para el Desarrollo Sostenible
- Manual UNESCO Sostenibilidad

About Us

The Foundation Iniciativa de Desarrollo, Innovación y Sustentabilidad (IDIS) is a non-profit institution recently created by a group of professionals, researchers and entrepreneurs with extensive experience in projects related to environmental management, sustainability and energy efficiency at a regional, national and international background. IDIS Foundation was created recently, in December of 2014, therefore, its trajectory and experience is still short, nevertheless, its Direction team is conformed by a group of professionals with good formation and trajectory, thus obtaining as a group Wide experience, given his participation in various regional development projects, consultancy to small and medium-sized companies in various localities of the country, entrepreneurship projects, engineering projects, among others.

IDIS professionals have performed a significant number of jobs throughout their professional career, so they have extensive experience in the development of projects, consultancy and training in the area of ​​environmental management, clean production (in various fields), Regional and national ERNF implementation, energy cogeneration and energy efficiency. This group of IDIS professionals presents different domains and technical specialties, such as mechanical engineering, industrial civil engineering, commercial engineering, chemical engineering, geography, as well as specializations in environmental management and / or energy.

The IDIS Foundation was set up to develop and participate in sustainability projects, as indicated by its statutes, carrying out its activities in areas such as education, culture, tourism, the environment and renewable energies. It also aims to promote, research and develop the following subjects.






Efficiency of
water resources



Corporate social

Our Team

The IDIS Foundation has members who have participated in the formulation, management and execution of projects on various topics such as sustainable tourism, renewable energies, clean production, biofuels, the environment, and in general, projects Linked to the promotion of innovation and development in the Region. Thus, in each of the projects, in which its members have been involved in one way or another, they have linked key actors from the public and private sectors, from companies to municipalities and community organizations.

In this context, the articulation of business networks, as well as the public-private linkage, is for the Foundation an indispensable element for the fulfillment of the goals set forth as a non-profit organization. Within the Foundation there are members of the public and academic sector, from the private sector, with successful entrepreneurship experiences, consolidated entrepreneurs and business advisors with wide experience and experience in the field of their field of action.

Members of the Foundation have participated in projects Innova Corfo, Sercotec, Projects of the Fund for Innovation and Competitiveness, Conicyt Projects, among others. The Founder partner has enabled large projects in the field of renewable energies and climate change for the Ontario region, thanks to the strength of the networks of companies and world-class organizations with which it interacts.

José Etcheverry
Founding Partner

Geographer and Co-Chair of the Sustainable Energy Initiative, York University, Canada

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José Etcheverry - Founding Partner

Geographer and Co-Chair of the Sustainable Energy Initiative, York University, Canada

Co-Chair of the Sustainable Energy Initiative, York University. Professor at the Faculty of Environmental Studies at York University. Dr. Etcheverry's research focuses on climate change mitigation and renewable energy policies with a focus on practical policy solutions, collaborative approaches and effective communication strategies. Dr. Etcheverry is co-chair of the York Sustainable Energy Initiative (SEI www.yorku.ca/sei). The SEI is a research and training organization involving the Faculty of Environmental Studies, the Toronto Region and the Conservation Authority and international organizations such as the University of Aalborg, the University of Taracapá, and the Nordic Folkecenter of Renewable Energies. The SEI was established to develop pedagogical innovators, research and knowledge mobilization opportunities to advance renewable energy solutions in Canada and around the world.

Edgar Estupiñan

Master in Science and Research Management - Mechanical Engineer and Associate Professor, University of Tarapacá

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Edgar Estupiñan - President

Master in Science and Research Management - Mechanical Engineer and Associate Professor, University of Tarapacá

He is Mechanical Engineer PhD, associate professor of the University School of Mechanical Engineering of the University of Tarapacá, and is currently coordinator of Postgraduate and Research. He has served as Director of Studies and Projects (2010-2012) and as General Director of Teaching (2012-2014) of his University. This is how within his academic career he has had an outstanding participation in teaching, research and university extension activities. He has participated as coordinator of multiple regional development projects (FIC, Corfo, FIA). Among them is his participation as an expert in the project "Implementation of an Advanced Center of Manufacturing and Maintenance, as a support to the Competitive Development of the Industrial Sector of the Region of Arica and Parinacota". Between 2010 and 2012, I participated in the RED project: Connecting Innovation in Regions, contributing to the formulation of the first regional innovation strategy for Arica and Parinacota. He has recently completed Master's degrees in Science and Innovation Management, with the Polytechnic University of Valencia. He was appointed in September 2015 as a member (representative of the academy) of the Consultative Committee on Consumption and Sustainable Production, Ministry of the Environment.

Ricardo Peters
Vice President and Treasurer

Head of Generation at E-CL - Director of the Board of Directors, University of Tarapacá

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Ricardo Peters - Vice President and Treasurer

Head of Generation at E-CL - Director of the Board of Directors, University of Tarapacá

He currently works as a Central Diesel manager and specifically as head of the Tarapacá and Arica-Parinacota plants of E-Cl. E-Cl is a company of the GDF Suez group, leader in the generation of energy, is the fourth generation company of Chile and the main supplier of the Interconnected System of the Great North (SING), our company has driven the processes of the great mining of the Copper, industry and services and has supported the modernization and quality of life of communities as a precursor to the electrification of the first three regions of Chile. The company has thermal power plants in Tocopilla and Mejillones, and diesel plants in Arica, Iquique and the Barriles sector - on the outskirts of Tocopilla - plus a hydroelectric plant in Chapiquiña, Parinacota province.

Priscilla Aguilera
Executive director

Civil Industrial Engineer - Development Analyst, Arica Port Company

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Priscilla Aguilera - Executive director

Civil Industrial Engineer - Development Analyst, Arica Port Company

He has done different specialization and training activities in Chile and abroad, with special emphasis on International Internships at York University-Toronto, Canada and courses such as RETScreen Introduction to Clean Energy Project Analysis (June 2012) and Power Project Analysis (February 2013) Certified course in business model CANVAS and Course "Interpretation of ISO 50.001 Energy Management". He participated in the development of the Regional Energy Strategy, together with representatives of the Regional Government and local companies. He has also carried out projects such as Developmental Analyst at Arica Port Company, where he carried out topics in the logistic and environmental fields.

Pablo Godoy
Director of Innovation and Technology

Commercial Engineer - General Manager, Solar Trust

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Pablo Godoy - Director of Innovation and Technology

Commercial Engineer - General Manager, Solar Trust

He has done different activities of specialization and training certified in Chile and abroad, emphasizing International Internships at York University and courses such as RETScreen Introduction to Clean Energy Project Analysis (June 2012) and Power Project Analysis (February 2013) Business CANVAS, Diploma in Social Formulation of Projects, Under the Methodology Cooperation for Development, and currently candidate for the Diploma in Advanced Capital in Water Resources and Renewable Energies. In Chile he works as General Manager of Solar Trust, also serves as Director in Spanish speaking in the Community Power Report, also works in the Sustainable Energy Initiative (SEI Faculty of Environmental Studies, York University) in Toronto Canada. Previously, he has served as an advisor to the regional government of Arica and Parinacota, as well as to the Agency for Regional Productive Development (ARDP) on renewable energy and energy security issues, and is a member of the energy table of the Arica region And Parinacota.

Claudia Monsalve
Project manager

Chemical Engineer - Project Manager AYC technoenvironment

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Claudia Monsalve - Project manager

Chemical Engineer - Project Manager AYC technoenvironment

Being a Chemical Engineer, M (Sc) Exact Sciences, he has specialized in environmental management and regulation, emphasizing his expertise in waste recovery, and in obtaining alternative fuels from them. He has more than 25 years of experience in advising and training on environmental issues associated with clean production, waste treatment, waste management and sustainable development. He currently works at AyC Tecnoambiente Ltda. His experience includes, among others, the incorporation of methodologies and / or techniques for the environmental improvement of companies, environmental audits, environmental impact statement, teaching, training and training in environmental management, management and Energy recovery of waste, techniques for obtaining alternative fuels, formulation of environmental and energy management projects, consultancy in environmental management and energy management for companies and development corporations.

David Dvorquez

Regional Entrepreneur and Sportsman

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David Dvorquez -

Regional Entrepreneur and Sportsman

Renée Voldman

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Renée Voldman - Collaborator

Jorge Lillo

Industrial Civil Engineer, University of Tarapacá - Environmental Studies and Project Management, York University, Canada

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Jorge Lillo - Collaborator

Industrial Civil Engineer, University of Tarapacá - Environmental Studies and Project Management, York University, Canada

He is an Industrial Civil Engineer, graduated from the University of Tarapacá, and has participated in various courses such as generation of Canvas Business Models, Introduction to Renewable Energies, Design and Installation of Electricity Grid Photovoltaic Systems and Climate Change, Fundamentals of Renewable Energy, among others. He has participated in several photovoltaic projects.

Bastian Acevedo

Electronic Technician, Student of Electronic Civil Engineering and Student of Environmental Studies

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Bastian Acevedo - Collaborator

Electronic Technician, Student of Electronic Civil Engineering and Student of Environmental Studies

He currently works as a Planner and Designer of Photovoltaic Installations, Research Development at Solar Trust, has expertise in Renewable Energy, Electronic Engineering, Photovoltaic Energy and Energy Storage and has carried out research and development projects at York University (Canada), Nordic Folkecenter For Renewable Energies (Denmark) and at the Renewable Energies Academy (EUTA), University of Tarapacá (Chile).

Meylin Min-Zhu

Industrial Civil Engineer, University of Tarapacá

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Meylin Min-Zhu - Collaborator

Industrial Civil Engineer, University of Tarapacá

She is Industrial Civil Engineering graduated from the University of Tarapacá, and currently works as Project Management Engineering PV at SolarTrust. She is also Institutional tutor in Directorate of Interinstitutional and International Relations of the University of Tarapacá. She has participated in several courses such as Mi Casa Confortable (Inacap), and the highest Solar Energy for Sustainable Development (University of Tarapacá). She is fluent in Spanish and Mandarin Chinese.


FundacionIDIS.cl 2017 - idisfundacion@gmail.com